Osler Community Church
Pastor Laurence Johnston
Location: 625 Third Street
Office Phone Number: 306-239-2224
Email: oslercommunitychurch@sasktel.net
Website: www.oslercommunitychurch.ca
Sundays @10:30 am Worship Gathering
Childrens' Ministry (Ages 3 to Grade 6) during our worship gatherings (except July and August)
Tuesday @ 7PM Kids Club (Grades 2-5)
Thursdays @ 7PM Middle School Ministry (Grades 6-8)
Fridays @ 7:15PM Pulse Senior Youth Ministry (Grades 9-12)
Childrens' Ministry (Ages 3 to Grade 6) during our worship gatherings (except July and August)
Tuesday @ 7PM Kids Club (Grades 2-5)
Thursdays @ 7PM Middle School Ministry (Grades 6-8)
Fridays @ 7:15PM Pulse Senior Youth Ministry (Grades 9-12)
Grace Gospel Fellowship Church (undenominational)
Location: 501 First Street
Phone: 306-384-3376 (Peter Klassen)
Website: www.ggfellowship.com/
Grace Gospel Fellowship Services
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday 7:30 p.m.
Osler Mission Chapel
Pastor Garry Wiebe
Phone: 306-239-4656
Location: 110 Sixth Avenue
Email: omcsrpastor@sasktel.net
Youth Pastor Jon Woodard
Email: omcyouthpastor@sasktel.net
Website: www.oslermissionchapel.com
9:30 am–10:30 Sunday School for all ages, including adults
10:45 am Worship Service
Osler Mennonite Church
Pastor Patty Friesen
Location: 212 Second Ave
Phone: 306-955-2928
Office: 306-239-2133
Fax: 306-239-2279
11:15 am Sunday School for all ages (except in July & August)
10:00 am Worship Service
Junior and Senior Youth Group